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learned so much in the last chapter about the real Jesus and about the
true character nature of Simon Peter. Now if you haven't read Part I. of
this blog, then you need to go back and click on the link below of this
blog and read:
"Simon Peter: The True Betrayer of Jesus."
"Simon Peter: The True Betrayer of Jesus."
Now if you have read the verses that we have discussed in the previous chapters then I’m sure your spirit is now on fire for more knowledge. So let’s see if we can quench your spiritual thirst for knowledge…
can Simon Peter possibly be the true betrayer of Jesus instead of Judas? I do believe
Now I want you to remember something.
The gospels that we have in our
bibles have the total approval of Rome and the Roman Empire.
Since they consider Peter as their first
Pope you know that there was no way they would allow these facts into the bible which contradicts
their satanic beliefs!
However, Jesus was able to still
leave us enough clues to find out the truth.
move to the Passover Meal better known as the “Last Supper.”
Now to those of you who have studied the four gospels. You will notice how many contradictions there are concerning the hour when Jesus was betrayed and when this meal actually took place. But let's pretend we are not aware of these contradictions for a moment and get right into Jesus' torment and shocking statement during the meal to his disciples:
Now to those of you who have studied the four gospels. You will notice how many contradictions there are concerning the hour when Jesus was betrayed and when this meal actually took place. But let's pretend we are not aware of these contradictions for a moment and get right into Jesus' torment and shocking statement during the meal to his disciples:
- JOHN 13:21 After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, “Very truly I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.”
If Jesus was supposed to die like Christianity claims and he is also an alleged God? then I have a question:
Why is the thought of someone betraying him trouble his spirit so? I mean come on? If he already knew he was supposed to die there would be no reason to be troubled by a betrayer right? This would be a cause for celebration right?
I guess not huh? Let's move on.. Matthew also repeats this story:
- And as they did eat, he said, verily I say unto you, that (ONE) of you shall betray me. And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I? And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. MATTHEW 26:21-23
Okay wait one minute!
Jesus makes a statement that someone in that very room is going to betray him and yet
No senate investigation?
No Hebrew Sherlock Holmes investigators?
What? Inquiring minds don't want to know? Nothing?
So everyone in the room just sits there and says "OH WELL?"
Are you kidding me?
Jesus says that the ONE who shares the same dish with Him is the same
person who will betray Him.
We have been told that the person that shared the
dish Jesus was Judas Iscariot. I do not believe that is the truth. Now ask
“Which of the Disciples would actually share the same Dish with Jesus?”
use the power of deduction.
We can come to the conclusion that with a minimum of thirteen
people, including Jesus, eating the Passover meal, there could be no more than FOUR
people per dish for Jesus to make such a statement.
So if we think
about Jesus is one,
Who were the closest THREE Disciples that would share the
same Dish with Jesus?
We can see that it is:
and JOHN.
These are the same
three that He took with Him to pray.
These are the three that would be the
closest to Jesus around the table and not Judas.
These are also the three men
who would know every move Jesus made and every place that He was scheduled to
Judas and the other Disciples would not necessarily have access to all
of this information.
If there was really someone actually going to betray
It would have to been one of these three men, and not Judas!
believe this man was Simon Peter. I also believe that the false writers of SATAN replaced Peter's,
name, who Jesus told us desired ONLY
the THINGS of MAN and not GOD, in used Judas as the scapegoat!
Now I know some of you are thinking. I am off my rocker with madness right? I do understand. However, you have to admit Judas controlled the books, the money, the food the resources already right. So thirty insignificant cheap pieces of silver would mean nothing to a man who already had everything!
Now Peter on the other hand had absolutely nothing! He was a poor fisherman that had a wife and family to support. Since Jesus told us that Simon wanted the desires of men. It makes clear sense that
Now let me show you something very compelling that shows you why Simon is the culprit here.
The book of John is the most "coded" book there is in the bible.
It is my assertion that the church changed the name of Simon with that of Judas to deceive us. Let's see why:
YES Jesus and Judas were making plans to escape! Sounds far fetched? Let's see what the bible secretly says about Jesus' true plans!
Now to prove that Jesus was planning to escape. We have to go back to his statement that someone was going to betray him in the book of John.
Now we notice that John doesn't mention that any of the other disciples even question Jesus about such a major announcement such as this right? However only ONE disciple is said to be curious about who Jesus' betrayer is. Let's see:
So since the scriptures are quiet on at least that part concerning the other disciples. We see that at least three people know the truth. Jesus, Judas, and that person that was allowed to lay lovingly in Jesus' actual chest.
( Now you guys know where I'm going with this laying in the chest thing right?) More on that in a later chapter.)
So folks notice after Simon makes wanted to find out who Jesus was talking about. John the writer immediately switches the conversation to how Simon denies Jesus. Now isn't that sort of odd to you?
I mean, from someone is going to betray me, to now someone is going to DENY ME?
Now before we go on. Let's go back to the scripture where Judas is concerned:
This is my point folks! As you see, Jesus didn't ask Judas to leave the money bags. No! Jesus sent Judas on a task folks!
Again notice that Judas already had the money bag so a few measly scraps of silver would be of no importance to him!
This is where I am asserting that Jesus and Judas were making plans for their escape from Peter and the Soldiers!
Now let's continue on what happens next after Judas leaves:
...Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you (SIMON) will follow later.”
Just like in the movie the Godfather, when Michael Corleone reveals to Fredo that He knew it was him that betrayed him, Jesus also did the same to Simon!
So as you can see, Simon knew the truth about Jesus and Jesus knew the truth about Simon's deception.as well.
Jesus knows that the soldiers and the men sent by the high Priests are looking for Him and He does not want to die.
However Jesus knew he could only escape during nightfall. Jesus decided to go to a safe haven and pray for deliverance before the soldiers can overtake them.
Now Peter on the other hand had absolutely nothing! He was a poor fisherman that had a wife and family to support. Since Jesus told us that Simon wanted the desires of men. It makes clear sense that
SIMON PETER: had the most to gain from betraying Jesus.
Now let me show you something very compelling that shows you why Simon is the culprit here.
The book of John is the most "coded" book there is in the bible.
It is my assertion that the church changed the name of Simon with that of Judas to deceive us. Let's see why:
YES Jesus and Judas were making plans to escape! Sounds far fetched? Let's see what the bible secretly says about Jesus' true plans!
Now to prove that Jesus was planning to escape. We have to go back to his statement that someone was going to betray him in the book of John.
Now we notice that John doesn't mention that any of the other disciples even question Jesus about such a major announcement such as this right? However only ONE disciple is said to be curious about who Jesus' betrayer is. Let's see:
- JOHN 13:22His disciples stared at one another, at a loss to know which of them he meant. 23One of them, the disciple whom Jesus loved, was LAYING on Jesus' bosom . 24Simon Peter motioned to this disciple and said, “Ask him which one he means.”
- Only Simon wanted to know who the betrayer was.
- There was a disciple that was LAYING lovingly on Jesus' chest.
- Simon was too afraid to ask Jesus what he already knew
- Simon asked this unmentioned disciple that Jesus loved to find out who Jesus was talking about!
Now according to John. Jesus actually told this LOVED Disciple who the betrayer was!
- JOHN 13:25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
So what was Jesus' response to this disciple that Jesus loved so much hmm? Let's see:
- JOHN 13:26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.”
So since the scriptures are quiet on at least that part concerning the other disciples. We see that at least three people know the truth. Jesus, Judas, and that person that was allowed to lay lovingly in Jesus' actual chest.
( Now you guys know where I'm going with this laying in the chest thing right?) More on that in a later chapter.)
So folks notice after Simon makes wanted to find out who Jesus was talking about. John the writer immediately switches the conversation to how Simon denies Jesus. Now isn't that sort of odd to you?
I mean, from someone is going to betray me, to now someone is going to DENY ME?
Don't you find that rather odd folks when we look at this with fresh eyes?
Now before we go on. Let's go back to the scripture where Judas is concerned:
- John 13:27: So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do, do quickly.” 28But no one at the meal understood why Jesus said this to him. 29Since Judas had charge of the money, some thought Jesus was telling him to buy what was needed for the festival, or to give something to the poor. 30As soon as Judas had taken the bread, he went out. And it was night.
This is my point folks! As you see, Jesus didn't ask Judas to leave the money bags. No! Jesus sent Judas on a task folks!
Again notice that Judas already had the money bag so a few measly scraps of silver would be of no importance to him!
This is where I am asserting that Jesus and Judas were making plans for their escape from Peter and the Soldiers!
Now let's continue on what happens next after Judas leaves:
- John 13:33 “My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.
- JOHN 13:36 Simon Peter asked him, “Lord, where are you going?” Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you (SIMON) will follow later.”
So after Jesus says he is leaving Simon wants to know where Jesus is going. Now Christians will naturally assume Jesus is talking about dying on the cross. However, that is not what Jesus is saying here folks. Look at the KEY WORDS he says to Simon:
...Jesus replied, “Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you (SIMON) will follow later.”
So is Jesus saying Simon will follow Jesus to the cross or is he really saying:
"WHERE I GO, SIMON, YOU and the others enemies of God will PURSUE ME AND HUNT ME DOWN LATER!" WOW!
again, I told you that the true writer of John is writing in code so
that the Greco-Roman church will not erase this truth out of the bible.
So after this statement from Jesus. Look at what Simon says next which is key again!
- JOHN 13:37 Peter asked, “Lord, why can’t I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.”
Now did you see it? Notice Simon knows something is fishy here! Jesus is trying to escape! Notice we are told that Simon was allegedly with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane before his capture right? But according to this revealing verse. Simon was not allowed to follow Jesus at all! So now we see why this book is coded only for those who are seeking God's truth.
The writer is telling us that Simon was the betrayer of Jesus folks and Jesus wanted nothing to do with Simon at this time. Now again Simon sees through Jesus' deception and knows Jesus has learned of Peter's collusion with the corrupt High priest. This leads a desperate Simon to say something strange.
- ...I will lay down my life for you.”
As you can see, if Jesus leaves this room without Simon, how on earth will the soldiers find and capture Jesus? How will Simon finally get his reward money?
At this point, Jesus falls out of character and looses his proverbial "poker-face." Instead of playing it cool with Simon, Jesus exposes him for the lying snake and betrayer he really is!
- JOHN 13:38 Then Jesus answered, “Will you really lay down your life for me? Very truly I tell you, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!
Jesus openly rebuked Simon Peter and didn't hold any punches either!"If a man lies, he will steal. If a man steals, he will also kill!"
Just like in the movie the Godfather, when Michael Corleone reveals to Fredo that He knew it was him that betrayed him, Jesus also did the same to Simon!
So as you can see, Simon knew the truth about Jesus and Jesus knew the truth about Simon's deception.as well.
Jesus knows that the soldiers and the men sent by the high Priests are looking for Him and He does not want to die.
However Jesus knew he could only escape during nightfall. Jesus decided to go to a safe haven and pray for deliverance before the soldiers can overtake them.
But with Simon now knowing of Jesus' plans to escape. How can he let Peter leave?
So has to pretend that he is wrong about Peter and is okay.
So with Judas gone with the money bag to pay for their safe passages out of Jerusalem, Jesus, James John and the Disciple that Jesus loved and Simon too, All head to the Garden of Gethsemane until Judas can secure their way out of town.
As we continue, Jesus has arrived in his secret hideout in the Garden of Gethsemane. Maybe Simon Peter will have a change of heart and won't betray Jesus. Or Maybe Simon already had a plan to alert the soldiers where they would be.
Jesus decided to take PETER along with Him as a guard and lookout while He goes and prays. What a big mistake! Peter can't even do that right and goes to sleep, maybe because he already knows what is about to happen:
So has to pretend that he is wrong about Peter and is okay.
So with Judas gone with the money bag to pay for their safe passages out of Jerusalem, Jesus, James John and the Disciple that Jesus loved and Simon too, All head to the Garden of Gethsemane until Judas can secure their way out of town.
Jesus prays for God's help to escape persecution!
As we continue, Jesus has arrived in his secret hideout in the Garden of Gethsemane. Maybe Simon Peter will have a change of heart and won't betray Jesus. Or Maybe Simon already had a plan to alert the soldiers where they would be.
Jesus decided to take PETER along with Him as a guard and lookout while He goes and prays. What a big mistake! Peter can't even do that right and goes to sleep, maybe because he already knows what is about to happen:
he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto PETER, What, could ye not watch
with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye
enter not into temptation:
the spirit indeed is willing, but the FLESH
does Jesus mean when He tells Peter to pray that he enters not into Temptation?
Is Jesus talking
about the Temptation of going to sleep?
No, Jesus is talking about another
temptation that most Christians are not aware of.
Now Jesus just warned us earlier that Peter does not
savor or like doing true ministry or the other things of God.
He says that Peter savors the things of MAN.
Things such as
Power, Notoriety,
And, for Peter the greatest of these things of Man, MONEY! Perhaps even:
“Thirty pieces of SILVER?!!”
Jesus goes and prays two more times and each
time Jesus comes and finds Peter sleeping comfortably.
Just as Jesus comes to wake them up, suddenly
the soldiers are upon them!
It is right after the soldiers come that we are
told that Judas betrays Jesus with an alleged kiss.
Read all four gospel
stories. You will see that they can’t even agree if Judas kissed Jesus or not.
What ever happened we know that the soldiers took Jesus into custody and all of
the Disciples fled for their lives!
Pay close attention to what happens next:
Simon Peter having a sword drew it,
and smote the high priest's servant, and cut
off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus. JOHN 18:10
of God I have a question that needs to really be asked at this point:
really cut the ear off the high priest’s servant or soldier why wasn’t he KILLED
or even ARRESTED? Of course he would!
you were a soldier and someone attacked one of your companions wouldn’t
you do something??? I know I would. Apparently Peter was too valuable to the
cause and was above reproach. Hmm Interesting…
since we are told that Judas is the alleged betrayer of Jesus it would be
natural to assume that he returned with the soldiers right?
However the strangest
unexpected thing happened next.
bible says that Peter goes with Jesus or possibly he goes with the Soldiers and
the Men of the High Priest back to the judgment hall and guess what happens? Peter literally:
they that had laid hold on Jesus led him away to Caiaphas the high priest,
where the scribes and the elders were assembled. But Peter followed him afar off unto the high priest's palace,
a minute!? YIKES! Did the scriptures just say what I think it said?
Surely something
must be wrong with my eyes right?
The bible says that Peter actually went
inside the high priest’s palace and sat all the way through the trial until it
was over!
That is the most unbelievable thing that I have ever discovered in
the bible!
Does this make any sense
to you?
This is the kind of information that you will never hear in your own
churches! Peter is in total cahoots with the High Priest!
Say it isn’t so Peter? Say it isn’t so!
Think about
all of the other Disciples, James, Jesus' own brother included, ran fearing for their lives because
anyone associated with Jesus would have been arrested and/or killed with Him.
01.) So
did Peter have a giant “S” on his chest?
02.) Was Peter the “Super Disciple?”
and now we can understand why Peter didn't escape like the other Disciples. He
was the one that was bribed by the High Counsel and not Judas!
You and I all know that no one with a price on their
heads would even consider going inside the high priest’s palace or actually sitting
inside the temple with the servants of the High Priest!
John 18 adds a little more
information to the story than Matthew does.
As Jesus is led into the prison chambers to await His mock trial, Peter
decides to visit a few old friends.
Peter goes outside and warms himself by the
fire not only with the other servants but also with the OFFICERS/SOLDIERS of the
High Council!
the servants and officers stood there, who had
made a fire of coals; for it was cold: and they warmed themselves: and PETER STOOD WITH THEM and warmed
himself. JOHN 18:18
So as we can see Peter has NO FEAR at all!
Peter feels like he
has found a true home among his new friends. Peter is finally getting the
respect and attention that he feels he deserves.
Everyone is celebrating the
capture of this alleged criminal Jesus and Peter celebrates right along with
them around the fire.
Nothing can bring Peter down off this emotion high that he is feeling,
right? Wrong! Someone recognizes Peter!
Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto
him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee. But HE
DENIED BEFORE THEM ALL saying, I know not what thou sayest. MATTHEW 26:69-70
Whew! That was close!
damsel thinks she knows Peter. She confronts Peter in front of his new buddies.
Peter successfully convinces her that she is wrong. Peter was almost
However, it is not over Peter:
when he was gone out into the porch,
another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, this fellow was also
with Jesus of Nazareth. And again HE
DENIED with AN OATH, I do NOT KNOW the man. MATTHEW 26:71-72
Whew! Another close call!
Another woman recognizes
Peter and the Soldiers are probably getting pretty suspicious. So Peter reassures the
woman by swearing that He has never met this Jesus character.
Peter probably
doesn’t need the heat from that old fire now! I’m sure his temperature is quite
elevated now, what do you think?
Surely this has to be the last person to
recognize Peter, right? Wrong!
And after a while came unto him they that
stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech
betrayeth thee. Then began he to CURSE
and to SWEAR, saying, I KNOW NOT the man. And immediately the cock crew. And Peter remembered the
word of Jesus, which said unto him, before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me
thrice. And he went out, and wept
bitterly. MATTHEW 26:73-75
Luke gives us another revealing piece of information about Peter’s denial.
Apparently at some point Jesus and Peter are very close to each other. Look at
what Luke says happened once Peter denied Jesus the last time:
the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered
the word of the Lord, how he said unto him, before the cock crow, thou shalt
deny me thrice. And Peter went out, and wept
bitterly. Luke 22:61-62
look at this strange event folks: and ask yourself:
- all of the other Disciples are in hiding for their lives except Peter is allowed inside the temple? How can this be seeing that this is a secretive and closed session?
Yet clearly we see that SIMON PETER, and NOT JUDAS, is the only Disciple allowed into the courtroom with nothing to fear at all folks!
is allowed to sit close enough to the proceedings that he can not only hear what
is going on, but Peter can also look directly into the EYES of Jesus.
I guess even in
a kangaroo court like this one, the accused
is still allowed to look into the eyes of the accuser!
This scripture is very illuminating! We can see
that Jesus was able to see His betrayer’s face up close!
Now Jesus has no
choice but to finally accept the truth. One of His closest friends has betrayed
Peter cannot be saved from himself.
This is why Jesus gives Peter a look of either disgust or sadness.
With all of this information it is very hard not to
see why the Catholic scribes would not want us to uncover this truth about Peter.
You and I know that Judas is not the one who accepts the money from the High
Priest. It was Peter;
Judas is
innocent of all charges…
you excited now? You should be because you are finally seeing the truth that
has been hidden for over two thousand years.
first that Peter didn't run away as the other Disciples had. Peter sat inside
the Palace with the other servants of the High Priest
until the hearing was over!
Was Peter really that brave knowing that
at any moment he too could be on trial with Jesus?
No, Peter wasn’t brave at
Peter sits because He is the ONE who had just
betrayed Jesus to the High Council and had no reason to fear them!
this is when Peter fulfills Jesus’ prophecy about him.
When the first lady asks
Peter if He was one of Jesus’ Disciples, Peter testifies and says the first
another lady asks Peter the same question an hour later Peter again denies
Jesus and says:
the chambers Peter is confronted in front of Jesus and asked a third time if he
is one of Jesus Disciples. Peter gets angry and starts to satanically swear up
to heaven and Peter starts using profanity and cursing like a sailor and says:
"#! @#%#!!" I SWEAR!! I (KNOW) NOT THE MAN!"
Such vulgar language and all of this from the alleged first Pope of the Catholic Church!? Amazing isn’t it?
As you can see
Peter was not lying! For Peter really did not know Jesus or the true
Purpose for Jesus' Ministry.
Peter’s heart was not Godly, it was easy for the High Priests to bribe Him with
Power and Money.
Jesus either didn’t want to give up on Peter or had to keep
Peter around to do the will of God. Either way we can no longer deny the fact
that Jesus did give us numerous warnings about Peter’s true character.
Now due to lack of time in a blog, I can only skim over this information with you. However if you want an exciting and compelling step by step unfolding of these events that the Vatican allegedly his from us. Then you have to read the exciting book called:
As we continue,
As we continue,
Jesus has been killed by the Romans and Peter’s betrayal is
Or is it?
In the next chapter Horror comes to Peter as he finds out that:
Jesus lives!
(NB: I didn't get all the way through this yet.)
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but this seems like pure speculative nonsense. Matthew is very clear that the disciples do wonder who would betray him, and each ask "Is it I?". Jesus answers Judas in the affirmative.
If you doubt Matthew's account to this extent, why believe this meal happened at all?
What's your aim with this post?
Mate you must be a dumb stupid Fuck. Open ur eyes cunt this person is right. Peter that Fuck head maggot dog! What a cunt! Man we been led astray. Dont get me wrong i am not religious and i hate catholics coz they're a bunch of shit cunts.
ReplyDeleteBut great post!! Awesome that u picked the gospel apart. Is there any more? I hope u picked apart the whole bible. I hear ya. But the sheep who commented above is still blind. Don't sorry about blind ignorant cunts like that. U know...