JOHN 10:11 I am the GOOD shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
CHRISTIAN THEOLOGIANS Often have gotten this scripture very wrong. For they use it to solidify their belief that Jesus is actually a god, and that Jesus was sent to literally die for all of the world's sins; which by the way is the farthest thing from the truth.
JESUS in verses one through six, Jesus is speaking to the leaders of the Jews known as the Pharisees. Jesus believed many of them to be false prophets; charlatans and frauds who are misusing their office and power to take advantage of the people. Jesus says that they are teaching falsehoods and are not standing in the gap for the souls of the people. Remember it was these types of false prophets that eventually led the nation of Israel into disobedience of God and into slavery.
Now this parable wasn't clear to the Pharisees, so in verses 07 through 10, Jesus explains it a different way by using a more simple analogy that the people could understand..
Jesus uses himself as an example of what a true prophet should be. Jesus tells the Pharisees that He, Jesus is the good shepherd,, He is saying that He is a "Good" meaning "TRUE" Shepherd or Teacher/Prophet which ever one you really want to use..
Jesus informs them that a TRUE Shepherd or even a true Pharisee is not doing the works for money or fame that would make you a "HIRELING" meaning your main concern is your fat PAYCHECK! Which i'm sure those of us who see today's filthy rich PROSPERITY preachers of the pulpits can understand what Jesus is talking about. More on the hireling money driven preachers in a moment.
Jesus is clearly equates the office of pastor, preachers and prophets and priests to the job of being a "SHEPHERD" of the many sheep of the field.
Think about David before he was King,, His Sheep were attacked by both a fierce Lion and a large Hungry bear.. Now this was a life threatening event both times. and David could have easily backed away and waited until the lion took one of the sheep and saved the others.. or just ran away entirely.. but notice what he does... David put's his "LIFE" on the line for measly little farm animals!!!! wow! David fought both the bear and the Lion for His sheep.. He was willing to give his "LIFE" for the sheep. Now that is real love.. This is the analogy that Jesus as a true Prophet of God was willing to do his people..
The same can be said true in modern times about Martin Luther King Jr. When he marched through Selma.. even when he was told the consequences of his actions could cause his death.. He still stood firm for his sheep. I.E the black man and woman of America..and their civil rights-`
MLK. Jr. was willing to give his "LIFE" and even die for his sheep the same as David and Jesus.
In each case neither of the three were special accept that they each had a zeal from God and a willingness to go the extra mile and commit selfless acts for others benefits... Nothing more..

12But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 13The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.
Now here again Jesus is making it VERY clear in what he is trying to say..First,, God gave Jesus a commandment just like He did to "MOSES" to be as a shepherd and teach the people the truth and to "LEAD" these people to Him just as a SHEPHERD leads lambs to water and food.
As I mentioned above, Jesus then speaks of the "HIRELING" now a hireling is just what it sounds like,, someone that is hired to be a field hand... one who seeks pay for his work,, you know compensation. In modern times, this hireling was first called the "EVANGELISTS" He was the traveling preacher who went from town to town taking his act on the road with false miracles, and misinterpretation of the scriptures all for money. However today, many pastors and preachers are doing the same act locally within their own congregations.
Jesus says that whenever this hired hand, in other words, the hired
who are not really preaching/teaching for God are quick to change their tunes whenever he sees the wolf or bear, or the "GOVERNMENT" COMING,, since he really has no vested interest in these lost souls/sheep he will abandon them and run away.leaving them to the mercy of the wolf or other calamity,, this in turns scatters the sheep/black man/jew, etc....
Now do you know of any pastors priests and prophets like this today? Do you know of any of these types that have multi-million dollar homes, boats planes all at the expense of your souls? Do you know of any pastor or prophet who will run away and cower at the first sign of the abomination of "SAME SEX MARRIAGE?" Even if the government forces them to perform such evil practices? Well we will soon see won't we...
Jesus then stands boldly and assured them and says,,
"I AM NOT like that I am ONE OF the GOOD/HONORABLE Shepherds/Prophets!"
Jesus says that God gave him a charge and he gave him this group of people to lead and watch over, and they know that he is serious about the Gospel that he teaches of YHWH!!! and I believe Him!...
15As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep.
Clearly Jesus makes a statement to the people and proclaims why he is willing to do such and it had absolutely nothing to do with him taking away the world's sins either!YHWH, as Jesus said earlier, gave him a command,
If YHWH called Jesus by name then that's a personal relationship with God don't you agree?
As such, If God is "PERSONALLY' teaching you what to say and do as he has done with Moses, Elijah and now with Jesus, then they also "PERSONALLY" know YHWH too... And when you know that you serve the One true God of Heaven! Hallelujah!
You too are willing to die because you know who you serve and who holds the key to your soul.. YHWH! All praises to Him...
16And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Now Jesus says nothing more here than that there are others who need to hear his word too and that they too must learn who YHWH is and they shall soon "HEAR HIS VOICE" too and then they all shall come together and be one with one Shepherd, and together they will go back to their prominent place as God's chosen under the leadership of Jesus the Messiah/Anointed one... the son of God... Jesus successfully did this for three years.. this is why he and His Disciples traveled to every land and taught the Jews the truth about YHWH...Notice he wasn't really teaching the Gentiles. because the bible says He gave a strict commandment "NOT TO" go into any lands of the Gentiles!! for the scripture reads as follows:
MATTHEW 10: 5-8 These twelve Jesus sent out, and commanded them, saying, Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter into any city of the Samaritans: 6But go rather to the LOST sheep of the house of Israel. 7And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give. .
So as you see not only did Jesus do these things but the other Disciples did as they too were commanded as "SHEPHERDS! Now we know they didn't have the total faith that Jesus had in YHWH yet because look how Peter denied Jesus.. but that's another story altogether... As you can see from these verses Jesus other flock was not us the Gentiles.. PERIOD!
The other flock were the scattered Jews only..
JESUS clearly told the other Disciples or as the scripture says,, he gave a unbreakable "COMMAND" and we all know what that means don't we.. NEVER EVER EVER... enter the lands of the uncleaned Gentiles by casting your "PEARLS OF WISDOM" to these SWINE!!! now you know... Let's get back to John chapter 10:
17Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.
This is an easy verse that even you and I will remember because Jesus said this before in another sort of way..Remember Jesus preached this same message again in the same book of John and said it a different way when he said in John 15:13,14..:
John15:13NO Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
So as concerning Him laying down his life He is talking about not giving up the good fight and giving in to the pressures of anyone other than YHWH whether it be family,, Pharisees,, Rome the Pope.. President OBAMA etc.
18No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
So Jesus again says he Fears no man for taking his life... As the Shepherd He takes on this responsibility on his own..And because Jesus knows Who YHWH is he has no fear.. why because Just like God told Moses that He would protect him from Pharaoh,, Jesus said God gave him a "COMMANDMENT" as
So to all of my PASTORS preachers what is your true motivation for being a preacher? Is it because you are called to be a Shepherd? Or are you a hireling who like T.D. JAKES, JOEL OSTEEN, CREFLO DOLLAR and BINNY HINN
See how there are many people out here to fleece with feel good messages and empty promises that God will out of the blue bless them with big cars, big homes mega jobs and other wealth as long as they hire you as their middle man? Or will you lay down your life for the flock? Will you say even to your goverment that NO! I will not accept homosexuality? No, we will not change our church doctrine to "Inclusionism!" No, we will not perform same sex marriages. No we will not allow drug paraphernalia and cigarettes to be sold to our kids! Lastly, NO! We will not stand silent as you gun down our children in the streets under the guise of law and order! No I will lay down my life for the sheep! Will you? God bless you all! Somebody hold my mouse! I'll shout now,,,:
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