You guys have heard me speak about the BLACK BOULE: Meaning the black artists who are given riches by the "elite!" Meaning the GRAFTED people who are in control today! Now the PURPOSE of the black BOULE is to control the BLACK AND BROWN original CHOSEN people of the book AND to destroy them and the masses who chose GOOD over their lord known as: the "DAWN OF THE MORNING!"
Through images of SEX and VIOLENCE and the lure of RICHES, an POWER,
they use hidden symbolism and messages to teach the ignorant and unsuspecting fans, the TRUE message of SATANISM and LUCIFERIANISM. to us.
Oh and they are VERY CLEVER with their messages TOO!
When you mention SATAN to most people they think of some character with horns and a tail. This was never the message of Satanism. The true message of Satanism is much more CLEVER than this. Satanism teaches that you the individual are a star or a god and that it is you that is in control and that if it feels good to you then nothing is forbidden everything is good. There is nothing that is evil accept those who would deny you your own pleasure...
Now there are many references to this teaching, and over time I will keep showing you the hidden messages from our FAVORITE artists who are secret Luciferians/Satanists... Now let's take the LYRICS from JAY-Z from his song called "LUCIFER" many will MISS what he is saying.
"Lucifer, dawn of the morning! I'm gonna chase you out of Earth."
(Satan is known as the light of the world or dawn of the morning)
"Lucifer, Lucifer, dawn of the morning...I'm from the murder capital, where we murder for capital."
(Jay-Z admits that their purpose is to murder or deceive for CAPITAL/money/power!)
"Lucifer, Lucifer, dawn of the morning! I'm gonna chase you out of Earth Kanyeeze you did it again, you're a genius nigga!"
(Jay-Z laughs and gives a shout out to another member of the Black Boule, Kanye West and says he's a genius, for we know that Kanye has a new song out where he mocks Jesus and all things pertaining to GOD in his most recent Album called "YEESUS!"
"Lucifer, Lucifer, dawn of the morning...So you niggas change your attitude For they asking what happened to you?"
(Once again he mocks those who know what he is doing and even comments that people are asking why are doing such demonic works) Watch what he says in the first verse below:
[Verse 1:]
"Lord forgive him (GOD FORGIVE SATAN)He got them dark forces in him. But he also got a RIGHTEOUS CAUSE FOR SINNING."
(JAY-Z says Lord Forgive SATAN, he has dark forces within him. But He has a RIGHTEOUS cause for SINNING! WOW)
Them a murder me so I gotta murder them first
(ALL those who oppose Satan must be killed first!)
Emergency doctors performing procedures
(Abortions/Murder Doctors are granted permission by the Satanic principalities in high places i.e the Government which HELPS to usher in evil and mock the Commandments of God i.e.
("thou shalt not kill/murder!")
fa·ce·tious MEANS:
Treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.
Now notice what Jay-Z knowingly admits to:
Jesus I ain't trying to be "FACETIOUS" But "Vengance is mine" said the Lord You (GOD) said it better than all!
(WOW! So Jay-z uses deliberate inappropriate humor to say that all who oppose SATAN shall be murdered for what was done to the dawn of the morning i.e. Satan. For they will use GOD'S words against him in the fight and VENGEANCE is now SATAN'S!! OH WOW! are ANY of YOU understanding what is being said, or are you just bouncing your heads to the beat??? Let's continue?
"Leave niggas on deaths door Breathing off res-por-rators for killing my best boy, HATERS On perminate hiatus as I skate In the Maybach Benz"
(Jay-Z says: He believes in killing sprees and trips to intensive care to All opposition for killing or opposing his BEST BOY? Now who is the best boy that he speaks of? Now this best boy that he speaks of is not about the death of some childhood friend because he says next in retrospect:
All the HATERS/PEOPLE OF GOD on permanent hiatus/DEAD or BURIED behind him as he drives off in his MAYBACH BENZ i.e. DRIVE-BYshooting as he drives off with his riches from Satan and the ELITE! Amazing isn't it???)
Now these NEXT WORDS Jay-Z tells us all the TRUTH as he sees it!
"In Los Angeles Like an EVANGELIST I can introduce you to your maker Bring you closer to NATURE!"
(In Los Angeles/HOLLYWOOD he is an EVANGELIST,, the new-age PREACHER! who can introduce us all to OUR MAKER? i.e SATAN and then he promises to bring us closer to nature I.E. the Doctrine of NATURE/SATANISM... Pure evil hear folks and most didn't know!)
JAY-Z then new age EVANGELIST then speaks from his PULPIT on behalf of his god SATAN and promise DOOM to the people of God! And says the following!!!!
"Ashes after they cremate you bastards(GOD'S PEOPLE!!!!) Hope you been reading your psalms and chapters Paying your ties(TITHES) being good Catholics I'm coming!!!"
OH MY GOODNESS! JAY-Z says OPENLY in mockery! After they cremate us bastard! i.e. He Means the People who chose GOD over Satan We will be destroyed and turned to ashes! He then mocks the "WORD" of God and says:
"Hope you been reading your "PSALMS" and "CHAPTERS!!" Paying your ties being good Catholics I'm coming!!!" (Do I really need to explain what he just said by now to you?)
Through Jay-Z Satan says, "I hope you have been reading your bibles and paying your tithes and have been good Catholics or any other people of God. For I AM COMING! Meaning the SON of the Morning the FALLEN ONE is coming back soon! In other words the ANTICHRIST! wow!!!!
All of this in just the FIRST VERSE!! i WANTED to stop here, but I can't. You muAAst see what comes in the NEXT verse too!
[Verse 2:]
first we must understand this word JAY-Z USES known as Semantics:
1. (Linguistics) the branch of linguistics that deals with the study of meaning, changes in meaning, and the principles that govern the relationship between sentences or words and their meanings
2. (Philosophy / Logic) the study of the relationships between signs and symbols and what they represent
So AS YOU CAN SEE, Jay-Z is not fool! This means he knows the MASONIC secrets of hiding the truth between signs and symbols, anagrams and analogies. For through his knowledge that he has learned from the Masonic order and from the white secret societies that gave him his POWER to control the music industry, Jay-Z knows how to change the meaning of given words or phrases: So listen to him as he admits he knows this CRAFT of Semantics:
"Yes This is HOLY WAR! I wet you all with the Holy water Spray from the Hetckler Koch autoMatic all the static shall cease to exist!!!!"
(Jay-z admits this is a "HOLY WAR" between Good and Evil. He mocks and says
"I SATAN will wet you/ANOINT you all with Holy Water of bullets and destruction and all the STATIC from GOD'S PEOPLE shall cease to exist!! ARE the saints of God hearing what this man is teaching through his songs??? YIKES!!!
Now remember the usage of the word SEMANTICS from above, Watch how Jay-Z once again admits that his usage of the word means something totally DIFFERENT than what is said! There is a HIDDEN RIDDLE that you must figure out in this next part which has some Addition of numbers that he wants us to figure out: Again Semantics, hidden meanings:
"Like a SEMATICAL" I throw a couple at you take SIX!"
Did you catch the semantics here: Let me explain it.
Like a semantic HIDDEN message take the number six and add a COUPLE meaning TWO MORE sixes and you have "6-6-6!!!" The number of the BEAST! i.e the Antichrist! OH MY GOD!! Let's move on:
"Yes Sir And when I perish The meek shall inherit the earth."
(Jay-z then testifies, YES SIR and when I die, "Spread love to all of my dead thugs." I'll pour out a little Louie 'til I head above."
(Jay-z says He will pour out or TEACH the DOCTRINE of a little louie, or LUCIFER to all of the DEAD or IGNORANT unsuspecting people who listens to his music until he DIES! WOW! Do understand his Semantics now?
"Yes Sir And when I perish The meek shall inherit the earth."
(Jay-z then testifies, YES SIR and when I die, He and the others which he calls the MEEK will be re-incarnated in the Satanic afterlife and they shall inherit the earth after they have won this HOLY WAR!" and Satan is in control of heaven! UNTIL that great day of Satan happens, Jay-z gives a message to God's people and says:
"Until that time it's on a poppin Church Like Don Bishop The fifth upon cock either."
(So until Satan comes back you church folks go on poppin, meaning do your phony church thing just like the False preacher and NOTORIOUS PIMP Don Bishop Magic Juan from Chicago! He continues his thought and said go on and obey your God and follow the commandments like the FIFTH commandment which is "Honor thy mother and Father", or in our case honor our HEAVENLY FATHER which according to him can do a sex act upon his Penis! Unbelievable blasphemy! WOW! He continues to mock the people of God and says:
"Lift up your soul or give the Holy ghost please I leave ya in somebody's Cathedral And stunting like Evil Kenevil I'll let you see where that bright light lead you!"
(Jay-Z mocks and says, GO AHEAD lift up our souls to God and go ahead and catch your HOLY GHOST please!! I will leave you in your Cathedrals pretending! Go ahead because I want you to see where that bright light or SPIRIT OF GOD that you serve shall eventually lead you!! i.e. YOUR GOD is false and his doctrine will lead you to DEATH AND TO ASHES! WOW!
Check out his next line dedicated to those who WORSHIP GOD and refuse the Devil:
"The more you talk the more you irking us The more you gonna need memorial services."
(He says: The more we speak about GOD the more THEY ARE IRKED or ANGRY at us, for we will be KILLED in the name of GOD and need more MEMORIAL SERVICES for our fallen ones! Did anyone else see this issued threat upon All people of GOD? WOW!
"The Black Albums second verse is like Devil's Pie please save some dessert for us."
(JAY-Z gives us a key in what to look for and it's in the second verse or second line of his Black album. For it makes a reference to the Devil's pie? That is another clue!! So I researched this and found this from the INTERLUDE the first words From the black Album these words:
"I came across a passage in a "BOOK" that um i think it uh really simplifies what the human administrative is talkin about and i learned that all things must come to an end it is an inevitable part of the cycle of resistance all things must conclude take the anology of a tree that grows in brooklyn among the street and the concrete with all its glorious branches and leaves one day it too will pass on its legacy through the seeds it
dropped to the ground and as the wind carries these seeds throughout wherever they might move a new life will begin for each one of them as they stand as a monument to the one that came before that came before that came before that came before that came before..."
I hope you paid attention to all of the HIGHLIGHTED words above. I did this so that you would not miss anything he said. Now the DEVIL'S PIE that he spoke of as we can see is the BOOK that he read, I.e. the BOOK OF SATAN, or the BOOKS of FREEMASONRY, another CULT that does ANALOGIES in SECRET! So notice the CLUE that Jay-Z leaves when he says take the ANALOGY again HIDDEN meaning of the book: "A Tree that Grows in Brooklyn." In his analogy/hidden word play Jay-Z is telling his followers that they have a legacy to continue the works of Satan and spread the seeds wherever they go so a new LIFE will begin and stand as a monument! and OTHERS will take their place until the original that came before all of them returns! Now for the sake of time, let's skip down to the most heinous and revealing of his verses number 03!!!!
Now look at the word ANAGRAM:
an·a·gram (
1. A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as satin to stain.
Watch as Jay-Z uses an anagram to play with a name in the next couple of lyrics:
[Verse 3:]
"I got dreams of holding a Nine milla To BOB'S KILLA' Asking him "why?" as my eyes fill up
These days I can't wake up with a dry pillow Gone but not forgotten Holmes I still feel ya.'"
(Now many thought Jay-z was speaking of a close friend named Bob, who may have been killed in a drive-by or some other senseless violence? this is NOT the case for he speaks of SATAN/LUCIFER'S other name, i.e. BEELZEBUB or BEELZEBOB as Jay-Z once again uses an ANAGRAM to plays with the name. So Jay-Z dreams of holding a Nine Millimeter to JESUS' HEAD and asking him WHY he caused the Son of the Morning to be kicked out of heaven! REMEMBER THIS NAME BOB for Jay-z will reveal in another anagram just WHO he is in a moment!)
Now HEAR THE MOST DAMAGING STATEMENT about BOB/Satan and how Jay-z HATES JESUS for what he allegedly did to Satan! Remember Jay-z the MASON knows how to hide secret messages in his lyrics and says the following:
"So... curse the DAY that BIRTHED THE BASTARD Who caused your Church MASS!
(So curse the day CHRIST was birthed, the BASTARD SON of MARY which caused your CHURCH MASS or the day the SAVIOR was born ie. CHRIST -MASS! The one who was BORN allegedly on the cursed "DAY" of December 25th, i.e CHRISTMAS DAY, to defeat SATAN! OH MY GOD!
"Reverse the crash Reverse the blast And reverse the car. Reverse the day, and there you are BOBALOB!!"
(Many think this speaks about Bob's death during a car crash, nope this is more HIDDEN Semantics and a distinctive ANALOGY! For BOBALOB name is BEELZEBUB!!! so that only the people in the know can see his message!
Jay-z says, when speaking about Jesus' interference, reflects on Jesus' victory over Satan and says
"Reverse the war in heaven and the blast or mighty wind or voice decree of God,, reverse the day you were kicked out of heaven and there you are Beelzebub STILL the HIGHEST ANGEL of them all in heaven!!
Lastly, he ends the song with a plea on behalf of Satan to God and says:
"Lord forgive him we all have sinned But Bobs (Beezlebub/Lucifer/Satan) is a good dude please let him in and if you feel in my heart that I long for revenge!"Please blame it on the sun of the mourning
Thanks Again."
Jay-Z ends the song with:
"Lord Please Forgive Satan for sinning, like I said above he had a RIGHTEOUS REASON for sinning Lord God BEEZLE-BOB/BEEZLEBUB is a good dude pleae let him in HEAVEN. and If you feel in my heart that I long for revenge. BLAME it on the sun of the mourning and how he was BETRAYED AND WRONGED by YOU AND JESUS!
SO my friends, do you still think this is just a song?
Remember if the stories are true, SATAN was the HEAD of the MUSIC department and a DECEIVER,, We wonder why our people are committing so many murders now, yet our SUBLIMINAL minds are very suggestive to what we hear.
I'm sure many will scoff at this posting and claim I am just hating on another black man who is doing his own thing or Just a conspiracy theorist. To them all I can say is, the PROOF is in the lyrics.
Whether you believe in a SATAN or not, The Higher level Freemasons, the Skull & Cross Bones the Bilderberg group, and the Black Boule all believe it! The ILLUMINATI whether there is a Demonic entity or not behind it is REAL...
ALL are taught to be okay on t.v. the news and by our OWN PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES! Who loves JAY-Z and all he STANDS FOR!
They teach, All who believe GOD'S way is wrong and that WE as a people are stars or gods on our own! WE should empower ourselves! For we are the only god that we need! LOOK to our Heavenly Father for guidance so that we can defeat this enemy of God. Will you obey Jay-Z who mocks our heavenly FATHER and gives himself the name of HOVA??? meaning JEHOVAH/YHWH? Will you continue to listen to his protege Kanye West who mocks Jesus and calls himself "YEESUS?" IN LAUGHTER? Will you listen to MARY-MARY who says it's the "god in me" and tells you about the big money and cars and that it is their god/Satan that gives this to them? CHOOSE THIS DAY who you will serve People of GOD! The battle or the HOLY WAR has already begun! Finally, Watch the video below as our PRESIDENT shows His Satanic beliefs in the same types of Anagrams, Analogies and Hidden Symbolic messages. God bless you...
Obviously it's important to be constantly writing songs and gigging frequently so you can get a strong, venues UT